Friday 7 September 2012

A week at the NEC

Yes we've been at the NEC in Birmingham since Saturday, at Autumn Fair. I think it's not seeing any natural daylight for days that confuses me and leaves me not knowing what day it is! Either that or it's the jäger bombs taking their toll. The nights in the bar have definitely been interesting and I've met vets, farmers, a man who sells bulls you know what for a living and a chap who paints rubber ducks! Thank you to lovely Anne-Marie and the fabulous Anna for keeping me in check, well just about! I'm definitely in the Ginger zone right now and can cause trouble without trying.

Talking of which this photo was taken while we were setting up the stand. It's one way to get me to be quiet!

Here's the stand before show one morning, looking all slick and span.

I'm glad to be home and back in my own bed. I need the sleep before getting back into the office and catching up with everything.


Love ya





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